There is Light, after all
There is Light, after all
Declared as legally blind at the age of 15 after a bout of illness, Shanmugam, now aged 51, had lost all hope.
With just his aged mother to look after his every need, life was difficult. Sankara’s team lit up his otherwise dark life by providing mobility orientation and training in activities of daily living. He was taught to identify food, color, sounds and textures.
He was also provided a coconut ripping machine free of cost through which he could make a livelihood. He was given a walking stick and bus passes and train passes. He is able to lead an independent and dignified life.
Shanmugam is able to cook a simple meal for himself and wipes away a tear as he remembers his mother who passed away a few years ago. But then, a smile lights up his face as he points out his neighbours who helped even out the ground near his doorstep to make it easier for him to walk.
There is light, after all.